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December 7, 2011


From the dictionary.reference.com, the definition for 

Muzak (ˈmjuːzæk)

trademark  recorded light music played in shops, restaurants, factories, etc, to entertain, increase sales or production, etc.

so i suppose the piece of music, or rather muzak, which i am about to share here does exactly that - which is entertain and perhaps, on some deeper level (stretching a bit here), it does make you want to get up and do MORE.

like seriously.

not necessarily by boosting your productivity, but by boosting your energy by getting you out of your funk.

well, it's a start, kan?

thus, i hope you will enjoy this piece of muzak, as much as i do (although i think i'd get tired of it soon). it doesnt require any soulful interpretation or make you weep - although i must warn you that the vid is a tad dodgy, bordering on soft p*rn *wink*- it just makes you want to get up and do the jiggy.

jiggy? i'm OLD.

speaking of old, i just realised that my father likes this kinda music. and i wonder if one's taste of music would change when one gets older?

OMG. i'm turning into my DAD.

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