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February 13, 2011

mark - set - go

starting again.

this is not my first blog, but with blogspot's blogger, it is a maiden one.

it's all started with reading other people's blogs of late*, and i found myself wanting to go on this route again- which is writing publicly.

anyways, making an impressive, a-force-to-be-reckon-with, impact wih your first post is EVERYTHING a serious blogger would like to attain. 

but i am anything but a serious blogger, although i always believe in making a proper impression - because hey,all of us want to be liked.  :)

bloggers are always associated with self indulgent/ self absorbing/ self promoting past time, and i could imagine many of you groaning and smirking with "yes, there goes another one."

or "c'mon, not another chick with angst and proses."

or "whatever she's selling, it's already being sold elsewhere, online."

but rest assured, despite the negative connotations and press, blogs result in more positive consequenses and great deeds than harm.

granted that blogs do cause us to be more indulgent and absorbed with ourselves in our quest to promote or elevate ourselves, but it also encourages self expression in which indubitably sparks and improves self confidence.

i am not a good speaker, but i know i can write, so i believe this is a good avenue for me to try out sharing my short stories, little anecdotes and silly observations of the humankind.

here it is, starting again, this time through the splendidly renowned blogspot.

so, on your mark, get set, go!

* i was conducting a research on the efficiency and efficacy of blogs to promote and sell products. :)