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May 4, 2011

New Beginning

" The Bottom Line
All individuals in compliance should be beyond reproach. That is, in order to do this job correctly they must maintain a high level of integrity and serve as an example for other employees of the company. If you're a person for whom this is a priority, you might be a good fit for a career in compliance. "


i was informed yesterday - just before end of business day, by the way - that i will be transferred to a new department called Compliance.  

heck - i don't even know what the job entails, and when i asked my boss, she said she was also unsure.

brilliant eh?

apparently this Compliance department is NEW is the organisation, partly due to the restructuring, as well as the company is now a listed entity. the company is in the midst of coming up with the job description of the position.

so today i Googled the words "Compliance Job Scope" and there were a few thousands result but i  was intrigued by Investopedia's.

amongst my findings in there are:

  • the skill requirement : Individuals should be detail-oriented and have the ability to review and analyze large data sets in short order. 
(i am anything but DETAILED.... and to review and analyse (i'm British educated) LARGE sets of data in SHORT order seems like a TALL order - i know i have the height - but not when i'm still new at the job)

  • another skill requirement : Compliance personnel must have intimate knowledge of other jobs and functions, such as sales and trading (and the rules associated with them).
(since i have to know about other people's jobs, then i would be extremely POPULAR... i'll be one of those nosy auditors whom i despise. i guess it's true when they say be careful with what you immensely loathe)

so to sum it up.... AAARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH!

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